Accelerate from idea to impact



Week 1-2



Weeks 3-10



Week 11-12

InnoSchool Open

Join one of our public events to get inspired by our mentors.

Unterstützung durch führende Fachleute

You’ll get more than a transformative learning experience at InnoSchool. You’ll refine your knowledge through unique access to industry practitioners at the forefront of their fields.

Mentoring durch Experten

Unsere Mentoren sind Fachleute aus der Industrie und Akademiker mit praktischer Erfahrung. Sie bieten Workshops, Vorträge und 1:1-Coaching-Sitzungen während der Bürozeiten an.

Mentoring durch Unternehmenspartner

Executives and managers foster knowledge exchange between our company partners and InnoSchool teams. They facilitate direct access to the assets of the company.

Federführende Mentoren

Führende Mentoren von außerhalb des Unternehmens sind der wichtigste Bezugspunkt für Ihr Team. Sie helfen Ihnen, Ihre Produktentwicklung mit ihrem Fachwissen und ihrer Erfahrung zu beschleunigen.

Weekly rhythm

Every week at InnoSchool is designed for you to pick up new skills quickly. Our program guides you to build products that captivate customers and achieve business outcomes.

Daily standup meetings with team to share to-do’s and learnings.

Daily Sprechstunden mit Mentoren, um den Fortschritt zu besprechen.

Weekly Sprints , um zu planen und Fortschritte fest zu halten.

Weekly Workshops mit Mentoren, um deine Fähigkeiten zu trainieren und neues dazu zu lernen.

Weekly meetup with experts to provide inspiration and guidance.

Monthly social activities to experience the region and culture.

What you’ll learn

InnoSchool is designed to meet the needs of today’s industries and  cutting edge strategies to innovate.


Product management

Agile, lean, design thinking, team building, communication and pitch training, financing and fundraising, digital marketing, growth hacking


UX Design

UX design, interface design, visual design



Technology (Software development, infrastructure, security), Data (analytics, data modeling)